Major recent keynote lectures & other talks (from 2015 to the present - selection)
2024, Sept. 13 - lecture on "The Danger of Transatlantic Disunity and the Situation in Germany," Carolina Meadows World Affairs lecture series, Chapel Hill, NC.
2024, Sept. 6 - lecture to students and faculty at Changchun University, Jingli province, on "The Political and Economic Situation in Europe Today."
2024, Sept. 4 - lecture to faculty at the China Foreign Affairs University in Beijing on "The US and European View of China's Foreign Policy."
2024, Aug. 31-Sept. 4 - various short lectures in the course of the "Mingde Strategic Dialogue (2024) in Shanghai and Beijing on various aspects of "Transatlantic Relations and China."
2024, Aug. 30 - public lecture on "China as Rival or Partner? A Transatlantic Perspective from the US and Europe," at the Danish Consulate in Shanghai, China (supported by 'China Crossroads,' the Danish Consulate and the UNC Alumni Club in Shanghai).
2024, June 6 - lecture and roundtable discussion under Chatham House rules on "The Cauldron of the EU-China Relationship," Wilson Center, Washington, DC (moderated by Lea Thome, introduction by Robert Daly and Robin Quinville).
2024, May 16 - talk to students of the University of Arizona on "US-EU-China Relations," Wilson Center, Washington, DC.
2024, May 14 - talk and roundtable discussion ("work in progress," introduced & moderated by Robert Daly) on "China as a Cause of Transatlantic Tension: A Whole Lot of Friction. The US, Europe, and Transatlantic Disputes about China," Wilson Center, Washington, DC.
2024, March 13 - remarks and discussant at a roundtable at the Center of Analysis of International Relations in Baku, Azerbaijan, about the role of China in the Caucasus and in transatlantic relations
2024, March 7 - presentation of a paper and discussant at the Rondeli Security conference in Tbilisi, Georgia, in a panel organized by Amb Giorgi Badridze on "Global Great Power Competition: Toward a US-China Cold War?" (click the title for a lively video of the panel discussion).
2023, March 25 - "The role of Europe in the US-China Rivalry," European Conference, John F. Kennedy School of Government/Minda der Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. Link to the event:
2023, March 2 - "Russia's War on Ukraine and the Western Alliance: Impact, Consequences, Solutions," Fortunes Webinar Series (zoom), University of Macau (lecture and discussion).
2022, Dec. 22 - "China and the World: After the 20th CPC National Congress," international conference organized by the Centre for a New Inclusive Asia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia [I gave a paper on US-EU-China relations via Zoom from Ramallah, West Bank].
2022, Dec. 21 - "The EU, the US, European Integration and Great Power Relations with China and Russia," in-person luncheon discussion, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel.
2022, Dec. 16 - "The US and the EU and their Relations with China," in-person lecture and discussion, Reichman University, Tel Aviv, Israel.
2022, Dec. 13 - "Uncertain Allies: the United States and European Integration from 1945 to the Present," in-person lecture and discussion, University of Sofia, Bulgaria.
2022, May 24 - "The Changing Shape of the Security Environment in the Black Sea Region: the War in Ukraine and its Consequences," University of Bonn, Germany and Johns Hopkins University/SAIS, Washington, DC [by zoom; part of a webinar on the Black Sea region].
2022, May 18 - "The Return of Great Power Politics? The War in Ukraine and its Consequences for the Global Order," St. Augustine University of Tanzania in cooperation with Nanjing University, China; Vechta University, Germany; George Mason University, Fairfax, VA; Catholic Universities of Africa and Madagascar and Universida de Congresso, Argentina [by zoom].
2022, April 28 - "China as a Cause of Transatlantic Tension and Cooperation: From the 1990s to the War in Ukraine,"American Institute of Contemporary German Studies (AICGS), Washington, DC [hybrid, both in-person and by zoom]
2022, March 16 - "Uncertain Allies: Nixon, Kissinger & Europe," Podcast, Heidelberg Center for American Studies - "Quo Vadis USA?" - in German, 34 min. Listen or download podcast here.
2022, March 9 - "What To Do About China? Taiwan and the Future of US-China Relations," moderator and panelist; UNC Debating Public Policy Series (other panelists: June Dreyer, Eric Yu-Chua Huang, Shelley Rigger) [by zoom].
2022, March 2 - "What Now? War in Ukraine and the Global Order," moderator and panelist; UNC Alumni Association (other panelists: Dennis Blair, Barbara Stephenson, Erinn Whitaker, Graeme Robertson) [by zoom; over 600 viewers]
2022, Feb. 15 - "US-EU-China: Complex Trilateral Relations," American Institute of Contemporary German Studies (AICGS), Washington, DC
2022, Feb. 7 - "Uncertain Allies: Nixon, Kissinger, and the Threat of a United Europe," Woodrow Wilson Center for Advanced Scholars, Washington, DC (by zoom).
2022, Jan. 28 - "The US and Europe - from the 1970s to the Present," Lindgren lecture, Shared Learning Community, Chapel Hill, NC (by zoom).
2022, Jan.14 - "Uncertain Allies: the US and a United Europe," Carolina Meadows World Affairs lecture series, Chapel Hill, NC (by zoom).
2021, Dec. 8 - paper "Germany and the EU and the New Geopolitics in China and Asia," for conference "Regional Order and Global Transformation: Asia and China in the Changing Geopolitical Economy," organized by the University of Malaysia, Institute of China Studies (by zoom).
2021, Dec. 7 - "Europe and the US Today: Political, Security and Economic Relations," panel discussion jointly with Cui Hongjian (CIIS, Beijing) for Jilin University, China (by zoom).
021, April 21 - "Escalating Tensions: China, the U.S., the Quad, and the EU in the Post-Pandemic World," City University of Macau (zoom lecture).
2021, April 20 - "The Successes and Failures of Churchill's Foreign Policy Statecraft," King's College, New York City (zoom lecture & discussion).
2021, February 9 - lecture & discussion on "The Biden administration's foreign policy: China, Russia, Europe and the Middle East," Carolina Meadows Community, Chapel Hill, NC (zoom lecture & discussion).
2020, Nov. 4 – lecture to the students and faculty of the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT), Mumbai, India on “What Now? The U.S. After the 2020 Presidential Elections. The Future of U.S. Foreign Relations” (online talk via Zoom).
2020, Oct. 27 – talk via zoom on “U.S. Policy toward China and the Middle East … Fixed and Changeable Trends,” as part of an online symposium, organized by TrendResearch (Abu Dhabi/UAE based consultancy) on “Elections 2020 & Shifting U.S. Policies toward Asia and the Middle East.”
2020, Oct. 15 – keynote address, “US-China-Europe: Future Security Situation & Trade and Investment Flows,” New Inclusive Asia Dialogue (NIAD), 2020, organized by the Centre for a New Inclusive Asia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Institute of International Studies at Nanjing University, China; and Center for Regional Security Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing (online talk via Zoom).
2020, Sept. 27 – talk to the North Carolina Chinese Scholars’ Association on “The Presidential Election of 2020 and the Future of U.S.-Chinese Relations” (online talk via Zoom).
2020, June 5 - plenary talk "U.S.-China-Germany Relations and the Covid-19 Situation," - Second International Conference on Empirical and Theoretical Research, International Board for Education, Research and Development, Mumbai, India (virtual conference due to the Corona crisis; talk given via Zoom).
2020, March 3 - talk to 'Hering Schupener' consultancy in Berlin on "China, the U.S., and Trump's Trade Wars."
2020, February 3-11: visit to India on the invitation of the Government of India in the context of its Distinguished Visitors Program; large number of talks on the political, economic and security relations between the U.S., India and Europe with China to think tanks, governments institutes and universities, such as Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi; Institute of Research and Information System for Developing Countries, Delhi (RIS), Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis, Delhi (IDSA); Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies, Delhi (IPCS); University of Delhi; Gateway House Mumbai; the Indian Institue of Technology Bombay (IIT), and some others.
2019, Nov.30 & Dec.2 - Two talks - "Leadership in Times of Crisis and Uncertainty" & "Churchill's Crisis Diplomacy" - University of Alaska, Anchorage, Alaska.
2019, Oct. 30 - lecture - "Churchill and Germany" - 36th International Churchill Conference, Washington, DC.
2019, Sept. 30 & Oct.1 - Two lectures - "Trade Wars and other Conflicts: the U.S., China, Brexit, and Europe's Dilemma" and "The Belt and Road Initiative: Promises and Problems" - George Mason University, Seoul campus, South Korea.
2019, Sept. 26, 27 & 29 - Three talks - "Brexit and the Implications for European Stability," "The U.S.-China Trade War and Europe," and "Die deutsche Chinapolitik unter Angela Merkel" - Tongji University, Shanghai, China.
2019, Sept.23 & Sept. 24 - Two lectures - "U.S.-China Relations under Donald Trump" and "Is the Global System in Crisis?" - City University of Macao, China.
2019, June - "Trilateral Relations: U.S.-China-Europe," lectures at Sichuan University, Chengdu, and at Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China.
2019, April 6 - "Learning and Ignoring the Lessons of Versailles," Carolina Public Humanities, UNC-Chapel Hill.
2019, March 29 - "Transatlantic Relations and the Shaping the Cold War World," 2019 Baker Peace Conference on International Cooperation and World Order since 1945, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio.
2019, January 29 - "Containing China? The U.S., Germany, and the EU & how to deal with the Challenge from China;" University of New Orleans.
2018, Dec. 21 - "U.S.-China-Europe: Conflict and Cooperation - the Strategic and Military Dimension," MiDAS (Malaysia Institute of Defense and Security), Ministry of Defense, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
2018, Dec. 20 - "U.S.-China-Europe: Conflict and Coperation - the Politics and Economic Dimension," University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
2018, Dec.12 - "The Implication of the US-China Trade Dispute for South East Asia," Nation-Building Institute, Bangkok, Thailand.
2018, December 4 - "Churchill and the Cold War: Summit Diplomacy to overcome the East-West Conflict," Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI), NC State University.
2018, July 17 - "Multilateralism, Populism, and Europe's Security Dilemmas" - lecture within the panel on 'International and Regional Changes: Perspectives from China and Europe,' conference at the China Institute of International Studies (CIIS), Beijing, China.
2018, June 21 - "Lindau Nobel Laureate Prepartory Symposium" in Beijing, opening address and participation in panel discussion at the National Science Foundation of China.
2018, June 15 - "China and Germany: Recent Developments" - lecture and discussion at Tongji University, Shanghai, China.
2018, May 31 - "Angela Merkel and German-Chinese relations in the 21st Century" - lecture and discussion at the Beijing Foreign Studies University, China.
2018, February 8 - "Crisis in Germany and the Future of Angela Merkel" - lecture at Carolina Meadows Community, Chapel Hill, NC.
2018, February 6 - "The Waning of Pax Americana? The U.S., Europe and China in the Trump Era" - 'Great Decisions series,' lecture & discussion, UNC-Chapel Hill.
2018, February 3 - "Uncharered Waters: China and Global Security" - lecture & discussion, 'China Development Forum,' at the London School of Economics, UK.
2017, November 18 - "The Dawning of a New Global Order? China, Germany & Donald Trump" - lecture, Carolina Friends of the Foreign Service, Durham, NC.
2017, October 23 - "Germany and China: Bilateral Relations in Past and Present," talk at the German-Southeast Asian Center (CPG), Bangkok, Thailand.
2017, October 21 - "Trump, the EU, and China," 8th Annual international conference 'The Global Commons & the Governance of Unappropriated Spaces,' German-Southeast Asian Center of Excellence for Public Policy and Good Governance (CPG), Bangkok, Thailand.
2017, October 18 - "European Politics: from the end of the Cold War to the Present" - lecture & discussion, City University of Macau.
2017, October 17 - "U.S. Foreign Policy: new directions" - lecture & discussion, City University of Macau.
2017, October 12 - "U.S. Foreign Policy toward China," lecture & discussion, National University, Canberra, Australia.
2017, October 9 - "Trump, Europe and China: New Global Realities" - lecture & discussion, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia.
2017, October 5 - "The Dawning of a New Global Order? Germany/EU & China in the Trump Era" - lecture & discussion, Contemporary China Studies Lecture Series, University of Melbourne.
2017, October 5 - "The U.S. and the Unity of Europe: A Vision Gone Sour?" - lecture & discussion, University of Melbourne, Australia.
2017, September 27 - "The U.S. and the German election: the state of German-American relations" - lecture, international conference, Tongji Univ., Shanghai.
2017, September 27 - "Donald Trump & America's 'Grand Strategy'? U.S. Foreign Policy toward Europe and China" - 2nd conference lecture, Tongji University.
2017, April 29 - "Europe-USA-Asia: Developments in Asia as seen in the U.S., Europe and Germany," lecture & discussion at the annual meeting of Asia directors of the Konrad-Adenauer foundation, Bali, Indonesia (held in German).
2017, April 27 - "The Trump Effect: Right-wing Populism and Elections in Europe" - lecture & discussion at Baptist University, Hong Kong.
2017, April 26 - "The Trump Administration's Evolving Foreign Policy" - Fudan University, Shanghai, China.
2017, April 5 - "Age of Uncertainty: the U.S., Europe, and China: the Decline of the Global Order and what to do about it" - Spring 2017 Hartman Hotz keynote lecture in Law & Liberal Arts, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.
2017, March 26 - "U.S. Foreign Policy and China" - lecture & discussion, international conference, Tsui Chi University, Hualien, Taiwan.
2017, March 24 - "U.S. Foreign Policy under Trump: The China Factor in Transatlantic Relations" - lecture & discussion, Tamkang University, Taipei.
2017, March 23 - "The U.S.-EU Partnership & Donald Trump: Continuity or Discontinuity? - lecture, Dong Hwa University, Hualien, Taiwan.
2017, March 8 - "Donald Trump, Angela Merkel, and China: The Dawning of a New Global Order?" - lecture & discussion, Institute of Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ.
2017, January 27 - "Making Reality Disappear: The Trump Administration and International Relations" - lecture at the Institute of Advanced Study, Princeton.
2017, January 11 - "The New Trump Administration - what can we expect? Relations between the U.S. and Europe/Germany and between the U.S. and China" -lecture & discussion, Shanghai Institute for International Studies (SIIS), Shanghai
2017, January 10 - "The new Trump Administration, Germany, the U.S., and World Order" - paper & discussion with diplomats, German embassy, Beijing, China.
2017, January 6 - "Changes of the Relationships between the Great Powers after the Election of Donald Trump: the China and Russia factors" - lecture & discussion at the Shanghai Institute for European Studies, Shanghai, China.
2017, January 5 - "Deutsche und amerikanische Politik gegenueber China im Vergleich" - lecture at Tongji University, Shanghai, China.
2017, January 4 - "Deutschland vor den Wahlen: Angela Merkel, die ewige Kanzlerin?" - lecture at Tongji University, Shanghai, China.
2017, January 3 - "Germany & Global Order: Angela Merkel's Delicate Balancing Acts with China, Russia, EU & U.S." - lecture at Tongji University, Shanghai.
2016, December 29 - "Asia Pacific Defense Strategies of the Major Powers: the USA" - lecture to the international conference 'Will there be peace in Asia Pacific in 2017?', German South East Asia Center, Thammasat University, Bangkok. 2016, September 16 - "The China & North Korea Factor in Transatlantic Relations" - Krasno events lecture, at UNC-Chapel Hill, NC.
2016, August 30 - "The China Factor in Transatlantic Relations: Germany and the US's different policies toward China" - lecture & discussion, Institute for Far Eastern Studies (IFES), Kyungnam University, Seoul, Korea.
2016, July 14 - "Transatlantic Dialogue on China," opening paper and discussion with members of the German Chancellery, the German Foreign Ministry, the U.S. embassy in Berlin and members of the SWP think tank; confidential seminar.
2016, July 8 - "On the Brink of an Epic Clash? the U.S., China, and the Rest," talk at the first annual conference on China Public Policy at the Berlin School of Economics and Law, Berlin, Germany.
2016, July 7 - "China and Transatlantic Relations: German and American policies toward China in comparision," paper given at the University of Jena, Germany (paper given in German).
2016, June 29 - "China and Germany's chairmanship of the G-20 in 2016-17," paper presented to a closed session and briefing at the CCIEE think tank (China Center for International Economic Exchange) in Beijing, China.
2016, June 27 and June 28 - "NATO and the new Russian threat in the East" and "Western Security Policy toward Syria and Turkey," two papers given to the NATO International Summer School (NISA) in Baku, Azerbaijan.
2016, June 6 - "Germany, the U.S. and Global Affairs: German and American Policies toward China and Russia," University of Innsbruck, Austria (paper given in German).
2016, May 24 - "Germany & the World: Germany, the U.S. and China" - lecture & discussion, International Focus/State Dept. Leadership program, Raleigh, NC
2016, April 15 - "Churchill and Empire" and "Churchill and the Cold War," two lectures given to the UNC-Humanities Program, Chapel Hill, NC.
2016, April 14 - "Germany in World Affairs: German Foreign Policy in an Era of Instability," Carolina Meadows Community Center, Chapel Hill, NC.
2016, April 13 - "The Duel: Angela Merkel and Vladimir Putin: Russia, the West and the Ukrainian Crisis," lecture given at UNC-Wilmington.
2016, April 12 - "Churchill and the Iron Curtain," lecture at the Governors Club, Chapel Hill, NC.
2015, Sept. 25 - "Churchill's post-war politics," paper to the Berlin Colloquium on the career and politics of Winston Churchill, Europa-Akademie, Berlin (paper given in German).
2015, September 10 - "Churchill, the U.S., and Peace Negotiations: Lessons for the 21st Century," lecture in the contex of the 'Krasno Events Series' at UNC-Chapel Hill: For the Video, see:
2015, July 16 - "The EU, the U.S., and the Crisis of the West: Greece and the Euro, Putin's Challenge, and China's Rise," lecture at Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand, in the context of an expert roundtable on global politics and economy.
2015, June 10 - "Differing American and European Views on the End of the Cold War and how to deal with Putin," short paper, Library of Congress, Washington, DC ('lightning conversation'), Kluge Center.
2015, April 24 - "The Dilemmas of U.S. Foreign Policy," lecture at Carolina Meadows Community Center, Chapel Hill, NC.
2015, February 11 - "Churchill as Peacemaker - Lessons for the 21st Century," annual keynote lecture 'Lessons in Leadership in the 20th Century,' Exeter College, Oxford University, UK.
Germany & Global Order: Angela Merkel’s delicate balancing acts with China, Russia, the EU and the U.S.