Articles & Essays published from 1991 to 2015:
Articles published in 2015:
Articles published in 2014:
Articles published in 2013:
Articles/reviews published in 2012:
Articles published in 2011:
Articles published in 2010:
Articles published in 2009:
Articles published in 2008:
Articles published in 2007:
Articles published in 2006:
Articles published in 2004:
Articles published in 2003:
Articles published in 2002:
Articles published in 2001:
Articles published in 2000:
Articles published in 1999:
Articles published in 1998:
Articles published in 1996:
Articles published in 1995:
Articles published in 1994:
Articles published in 1993:
Articles published in 1991:
- ‘‘Margaret Thatcher and German Unification Revisited,’ in M. Gehler, W. Mueller and A. Suppan (eds), The Revolutions of 1989 (Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, 2015), pp.355-384.
- “Angela Merkel and China,” in CPG Online Magazine (Thammasat University, Bangkok), Issue No.6 (November, 2015), pp.42-51. - “Superpowers and International Governance: a ‘might is right’ story?,” Caucasus International Journal, Vol.5/2 (summer 2015), pp.19-34.
- “How Adolf Hitler Haunts Angela Merkel: Germany should be a true U.S. partner in leadership […],” Politico, May 26, 2015 (co-authored with Peter Eltsov):
- “Parliamentary Elections: Who leads the UK out of its Identity Crisis?”
in Aargauer Zeitung (daily newspaper, Switzerland), May 5, 2015 [written in German].
Articles published in 2014:
- “Difficult Allies: Margaret Thatcher, John Major, and the Politics of Helmut Kohl,” (written in German), in Hans-Juergen Kuesters (ed.), Deutsche Europapolitik Christlicher Demokraten: von Konrad Adenauer bis Angela Merkel (1945-2013) (Duesseldorf: Droste Verlag, 2014), pp.233-269.
- “Une Europe Démilitarisé? Un regard américain,” Politique étrangère, Vol.79/1 (2014), pp.39-52. English version “The United States and the ‘Demilitarization’ of Europe: Myth or Reality?” available online (spring 2014).
- “Merkel in the Middle: can Germany patch things up between Putin and Obama?,” (co-authored with P. Eltsov) Politico Magazine (July 17, 2014):
- “Putin’s D-Day Diss: how Russia’s leader is rewriting WWII history to justify his aggression,” (co-authored with P. Eltsov) Politico Magazine (June 4, 2014):
- “Merkel, Putin and the Lessons of History,” (co-authored with Peter Eltsov) The National Interest (March 25, 2014):
- “Putin’s Targets: will Eastern Ukraine and northern Kazakhstan be next? (co-authored with Peter Eltsov) New Republic (March 10, 2014):
- “Different Chapter, Same Book: what Crimea’s history can teach us about Crimea’s future,” (co-authored with Peter Eltsov), Foreign Policy (March 1, 2014):
- Long book essay of Astrid Eckert’s book The Struggle for the Files: the Western Allies and the Return of the German Archives after the Second World War (Cambridge UP, 2012), in H-Diplo (10 June 2014):
- Long book review of Max Friedman's book Rethinking Anti-Americanism: the history of an exceptional concept in American foreign relations (in the context of a roundtable review); Passport: Newsletter of the Society of Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR), January 2014.
Articles published in 2013:
- “Great Britain and the Cold War,” in Richard H. Immerman and Petra Goedde (eds),
Oxford Handbook on the Cold War (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013), pp.141-157. - “The German General Election 2013: Results and Consequences,” In Depth Newsletter (University of Nicosia, Cyprus), Vol.10/5 (October 2013):
- "Nixon, Kissinger, and the Coup in Chile 1973," [written in German] in Heike Hoffmann and Martin Schmidt (eds), El Once: Reflexionen zum 40. Jahrestag des Militärputsches gegen Salvador Allende, essay in a book accompanying the music CDs El Once by pianist Stefan Litwin (Schiffweiler: Gligg Records, 2013), pp.135-141.
- "Violent Unrest: Great Britain and June 17, 1953," in Horch und Guck, 79/1 (April 2013), pp.30-33 [article is written in German].
- "Happy Birthday, Mr Kissinger," in Aargauer Zeitung (daily newspaper, Switzerland), May 25, 2013 [written in German].
- “Here we go again: The British and Europe,” in Aargauer Zeitung (daily newspaper, Switerland, January, 26, 2013 (written in German).
Articles/reviews published in 2012:
- "Imperial and Financial Overstretch under Nixon and Obama: Are there any lessons to be learned from the crisis years of the 1970s?" Passport: Newsletter of the Society of Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR), Vol.43/2 (September, 2012), pp.17-21. - “A decisive President,” review of three new books on Obama, in Aargauer Zeitung (daily newspaper Switzerland), September 1, 2012, p.6 [written in German].
- “Monday interview with Klaus Larres” regarding Obama and Romney, in Aargauer Zeitung (daily newspaper Switzerland), August 27, 2012 [interview was published in German], p.3
- “The Vulnerable Superpower.” Book review of Zbigniew Brzezinski's Strategic Vision: America and the Crisis of Global Power (2012), in Aargauer Zeitung (Switzerland), April 5, 2012 [written in German].
- "Romney's Foreign Policy - Should we be worried?," AICGS Advisor [online], June 2012. [shorter version in German published in Aargauer Zeitung (Switzerland), April 2012.
Articles published in 2011:
- “Nixon and Obama: Crisis Years in Comparison,” In Depth Newsletter (Cyprus Center for European and International Affairs, University of Nicosia, Cyprus), Vol.8/6 (December 2011), 7pp.
- “Benign Great Power or Calculating Hegemon? The United States and Europe during the Cold War,” in Ingrid Boehler et al (eds), Stationen der Weltpolitik im 20. Jahrhundert (Innsbruck/ Vienna/Bozen: Studien Verlag, 2011), pp.81-92 [the article is written in German].
- "Cairo in Turmoil: The Egyptian Revolution Part Two," CNBC Guest Blog, November 22, 2011. "Tahrir Square Revolution in Cairo," Deutsche Welle Radio (interview transcript), Nov. 21, 2011.
- Long review of Henry Kissinger's book "On China," in Aargauer Zeitung, Switzerland, July 9, 2011.
Articles published in 2010:
- “Churchill: Flawed War Leader or Charismatic Visionary? A New Assessment,” in Brendan Simms and Karina Urbach (eds), The Return of the Great Men? Statesmen in War: A German-British Comparison, 1740-1945 (Berlin/New York: de Gruyter, 2010), pp.129-160.
- “The British General Election 2010 and After: What Happened and What Does it Mean?,” In Depth, Newsletter (Cyprus Center for European and International Affairs, University of Nicosia, Cyprus), Vol.7, No.3 (June 2010), 8pp.
- ‘Obama and Europe,’ Essay for the online Advisor of the American Institute of Contemporary German Studies (AICGS), 11pp., April 2010:
- ‘The United States, European Unity, and the Foreign Policy of Helmut Kohl,’ in Günter Buchstab et al (eds), Die Ära Kohl im Gespräch. Eine Zwischenbilanz (Colgone: Böhlau Verlag, 2010), pp.367-384 (first published in Historisch Politische Mitteilungen, Vol. 14 (December, 2007), pp.245-62) [article is written in German].
- ‘Hillary Clinton and Transatlantic Relations,’ in Klaus Larres (ed.), The American Secretaries of State and Transatlantic Relations (London: Routledge, 2010), pp.4-12.
- ‘George W. Bush’s Secretaries of State: Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice’, in Klaus Larres (ed.), The American Secretaries of State and Transatlantic Relations (London: Routledge, 2010), pp.13-28 [first published in the Journal of Transatlantic Studies, December 2008].
Articles published in 2009:
- ’Assertive Supremacy and Enlightened Self-Interest: the United States and the “Unity of Europe”,’ in AICGS Transatlantic Perspectives, December 2009 (online essay):
- ‘Britain and Europe from Churchill to Blair and Brown’, in Jürgen Elvert and Jürgen Nielsen-Sikora (eds), Leitbild Europa? Europabilder und ihre Wirkungen in der Neuzeit (Stuttgart: Steiner Verlag, 2009), 174-192 [article is written in German].
- ‘The United States and European Integration, 1945-1990’, in Klaus Larres (ed.), Blackwell Companion to History since 1945 (Oxford: Blackwell, April 2009), 151-182.
- ‘German Unification and its Repercussions as seen from Britain,’ in J.D. Bindenagel, M.L. Rapnouil, K. Larres and H. Wolff, The Fall of the Wall at 20: Global Consequences Today (Washington, DC: AICGS/Johns Hopkins University, December 2009), pp.17-21.
- ‘The United States and the 1956 Revolution in Hungary’, in Joanna Szymoniczek and Eugeniusz Cezary Krol (eds), Rok 1956 w Polsce i jego rezonans w Europie (Warsaw: Polskiej Akademii Nauk and Collegium Civitas, 2009), pp.265-281. [German edition of this article was published in 2010: Klaus Larres, „Die USA und die Ereignisse in Ungarn 1956,“ in Joanna Szymoniczek and Eugeniusz Cezary Król (eds), Das Jahr 1956 in Polen und seine Resonanz in Europa (Warsaw: Instytut Studiów Politycznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Collegium Civitas & Bundesstiftung zur Aufarbeitung der SED-Diktatur, 2010), pp.295-312.]
Articles published in 2008:
- ‘George W. Bush’s Secretaries of State: Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice’, Journal of Transatlantic Studies, 6/3 (December 2008), 201-216.
- ‘Good Intentions, bad prospects’: The Politics of Prime Minister Gordon Brown’, in Internationale Politik: Journal of the German Association of Foreign Policy (DGfAP) (April, 2008) [article is written in German]
In this context: Longer interview given to Aargauer Zeitung (Switzerland) on 27 March 2008 regarding Franco-British relations on the occasion of President Sarkozy’s state visit to the UK in late March 2008: - ‘The United States and the Rome Treaties of 1957’, in Michael Gehler (ed.), The Rome Treaties after 50 Years (Cologne: Böhlau Verlag, 2008), pp.599-616 [article is written in German].
Articles published in 2007:
- ‘Britain and the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between West Germany and the Soviet Union in 1955’, in Helmut Altrichter (ed.), Adenauer’s Visit to Moscow in 1955. The International Context (Rhöndorfer Gespräche 22; Bonn: Bouvier, 2007), 165-186 [article is written in German].
- ‘Security with and against Germany. The influence of the Federal Republic on the USA and the western alliance in the 1950s and 1960s’, in Frank Naegler (ed.), The German Armed Forces 1955-2005: Insights and Perspectives (Munich: Oldenbourg, 2007), 39-61 [article is written in German]
- ‘The United States, European Unity, and the Foreign Policy of Helmut Kohl, Historisch Politische Mitteilungen, Vol. 14 (December, 2007), pp.245-62 [article is written in German].
Articles published in 2006:
- ‘The Bush Administration and Europe’, in Iwan W. Morgan and Philip J. Davies (eds), Right on? Political Change and Continuity in George W. Bush’s America (Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2006), pp.75-91.
- ‘A Complex Alliance: The Explosive Chemistry of Franco-British Relations in the post-Cold War World’, in Antoine Capet (ed.), Britain, France and the Entente Cordiale Since 1904 (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2006), pp.198-218.
- ‘The Road to Geneva 1955: Churchill’s Summit Diplomacy and Anglo-American Tension after Stalin’s Death’, in Klaus Larres and Kenneth Osgood (eds), The Cold War After Stalin’s Death: A Missed Opportunity for Peace? (Rowman & Littlefield, ‘Harvard Cold War Series’, 2006), pp.137-155.
- ‘The Long Goodbye: Forget Tony Blair or Margaret Thatcher … Winston Churchill was the supreme prevaricator when it came to giving up power’, in History Today, 56/12 (2006), pp.47-49.
Articles published in 2004:
- ‘The 2004 Election Campaign in the USA and the War in Iraq’, Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung [German Federal Centre for Political Education], October 2004 (online resource:; article written in German).
- '”Bloody as Hell”. Bush, Clinton, and the Abdication of American Leadership in the Former Yugoslavia, 1990-1995’, Journal of European Integration History, Vol. 10/1 (July 2004), pp.179-202.
- 'The Continuing Importance of the Value Gaps in German-American Relations', Online essay for the Policy Advisor of the American Institute for Contemporary German Studies (AICGS), July 2004 (
- ‘Time for a Threesome: European Leadership and America. Europe’s New Ménage à Trois’,
The World Today (publ. by the Royal Institute of International Affairs/Chatham House), April 2004, pp.7-9. (Abbreviated version - "Men at Work: the 'Big 3' Agenda" - published by on April 3, 2004). - ‘The United States, Germany, Europe, and the War against Saddam Hussein’, in P. Gassert et al (eds), Germany and the USA in the International History of the 20th Century (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2004), pp.560-571 [article written in German].
- ‘The USA, Britain, and Ostpolitik: West Germany’s ”Policy of Movement” and Its Perception in West and East’, in Wilfried Loth (ed.), Europe: Cold War and Co-existence, 1953-1965 (London: Frank Cass), pp.111-131.
Articles published in 2003:
- ‘Mutual Incomprehension? U.S.-German Value Gaps over Iraq and Beyond’,
Washington Quarterly, Vol. 26, No.2 (spring, 2003), 23-42.
Download here for full text:
- ‘Making Europe Strong Again: Churchill, the United States, and the Creation of a New European Order’, in Antoine Capet (ed.), The Special Relationship: la ‘relation spéciale’ entre le Royaume-Uni et les États-Unis (Rouen: Rouen University Press, 2003), pp.19-42.
- ‘The Bush administration’s new strategy in Iraq’ [written in German; guest editorial], Handelsblatt (Germany’s leading daily business newspaper), November 20, 2003.
- ‘Exaggerated Empire Dreams? Is there a new American Empire?’ [written in German; guest columnist], Handelsblatt, July 15, 2003.
- ‘Bush and the Neoconservatives’ [written in German; guest columnist], Handelsblatt, May 16, 2003.
- ‘The future of transatlantic relations’ [written in German; guest columnist, Handelsblatt [Germany’s leading business newspaper], April 11, 2003.
Articles published in 2002:
- ‘North Atlantic Treaty Organization’, in Alexander DeConde et al (eds), Encyclopedia of American Foreign Relations: Studies of the Principal Movements and Ideas, rev. and expanded 2nd edition, 3 vols (New York: Scribner’s, 2002), Vol.2, pp.573-93.
- ‘International Organizations’ (with Inis L. Claude, Jr.), in Alexander DeConde et al (eds), Encyclopedia of American Foreign Relations: Studies of the Principal Movements and Ideas, rev. and expanded 2nd edition, 3 vols (New York: Scribner’s, 2002), Vol. 2, pp.299-313.
- Long review article on Thomas Banchoff, ‘The German Problem Transformed: Institutions, Politics, and Foreign Policy, 1945-1995’ (Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 1999), Journal of Cold War Studies 4/2 (2002), pp.115-20.
- ‘West Germany and European Unity in U.S. Foreign Policy, 1969-1990’, CERCLES: Revue Pluridisciplinaire du Monde Anglophone Vol.5 (2002), pp.127-45.
- ‘Margaret Thatcher, the British Foreign Office, and German Unification’, Cercles: Revue Pluridisciplinaire du Monde Anglophone [electronic online journal], Vol.5 (2002), pp.165-73 (the article is published in both German and English).
- ‘Britain and the Conflict over the Recognition of the GDR in the “Third World” and at International Organizations’ (written in German), in A. Bauerkämper (ed.), Britain and the GDR: Relations and Percpetions in a Divided World (Berlin: Philo Verlag, 2002), pp.129-52.
- ‘Britain and the GDR in the 1960s: The Politics of Trade and Recognition by Stealth’, in: J. Noakes, P. Wende and J. Wright (eds), Britain and Germany in Europe, 1949-1999 (Oxford: Oxford University Press 2002), pp.187-217.
- ‘Harold Macmillan and the Berlin Wall Crisis, 1958-61’ (written in German), in H. Timmermann (ed.), 1961- Mauerbau und Außenpolitik (Münster: Lit, 2002), pp.163-187.
- ‘Campaign battlelines drawn by America’s hawks’ [on German elections; guest columnist], The Guardian, September 21, 2002.
- ‘Failure Anticipated? The Peace Process in Northern Ireland and Life in Belfast. An Essay’, in R. Terlinden et al (ed.), Minderheiten in Europa - Vielfalt und Integration (Tutzinger Materialien, Tutzing: Evangelische Akademie, 2002) [written in German].
Articles published in 2001:
- ‘International and Security Relations within Europe’, in: Mary Fulbrook (ed.), Europe since 1945 [Short Oxford History of Europe] (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001), pp.187-239
- ‘European Unity and the American Policy for Germany,’ in: Detlef Junker (ed.), Die USA und Deutschland im Zeitalter des Kalten Krieges. Ein Handbuch, Vol.2: 1968-1990 (Munich: Oldenbourg Verlag, 2001), pp.100-09 (written in German ), [in 2001 the book was also published in English by Cambridge].
- ‘The British Perspective of Austrian Neutrality‘, Contemporary Austrian Studies, Vol. 9 (summer 2001), 256-269..
- ‘Introduction to the Second Edition‘, in: Klaus Larres (ed.), Germany since Unification: The Development of the Berlin Republic [rev. and expanded 2nd ed.] (Basingstoke/New York: Palgrave, 2001), xx-lxi.
- ‘Germany in 1989: The Development of a Revolution,’ in: Klaus Larres (ed.), Germany since Unification: The Development of the Berlin Republic [rev. and expanded 2nd ed.] (Basingstoke/New York: Palgrave, 2001), pp.33-59 (reprint of the article in the 1998 edition of this book).
- ‘Integrating Europe or Ending the Cold War? Churchill’s Post-war Foreign Policy‘, in K. Larres and A. Lane (eds), The Cold War: The Essential Readings (Oxford: Blackwell, 2001), 69-97) [abbreviated reprint of an article which was first published in full in the Journal of European Integration History in 1996].
Articles published in 2000:
- ‘Introduction: Uneasy Allies or Genuine Partners? Britain, Germany, and European Integration,’ in: Klaus Larres (ed.), Uneasy Allies: British-German Relations and European Integration since 1945 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000), pp.1-24.
- ‘Britain and the GDR: Political and Economic Relations, 1949-1989‘, in: Klaus Larres (ed.), Uneasy Allies: British-German Relations and European Integration since 1945 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000), pp.63-98.
- ‘Torn between Idealism and Egotism: The United States and European Integration, 1945-1990,‘ Irish Journal of American Studies 8 (1999) [publ. in May 2000], pp.79-118.
- ‘An English Dilemma: How Margaret Thatcher attempted to prevent German Unification and faced the Opposition of the Foreign Office‘ [in German], DIE ZEIT, No.40/2000 (28 Sept. 2000), p.76.
Articles published in 1999:
- ‘Konrad Adenauer (1876-1967)’ [written in German], in: T.Oppelland (ed.), Deutsche Politiker, 1949-1969. Biographische Skizzen aus Ost und West, Vol.1 (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft/Primus Verlag, 1999), pp.13-24.
- Review article on ‘Deutschland in Europa. Nationale Interessen und internationale Ordnung im 20. Jahrhundert‘ (ed. by G. Niedhart et al., Mannheim: Palatium Verlag, 1997), Bulletin of the German Historical Institute, London, Vol.21, No.1 (May 1999), pp.83-88.
- ‘Britain and June 17, 1953: The German Question and the Failure of Churchill’s Détente Policy after Stalin’s Death’ [in German], in: C. Klessmann and B.Stöver (eds), 1953 – Krisenjahr des Kalten Krieges in Europa (Cologne/Vienna: Böhlau Verlag, 1999), 150-179.
Articles published in 1998:
- ‘Germany in 1989: The Development of a Revolution,’ in: Klaus Larres (ed.), Germany since Unification: The Domestic and External Consequences (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1998), pp.33-59.
- A Global Encyclopedia of Historical Writing, 2 vols (ed. by D. Wolf): 11 entries on e.g. A.J.P. Taylor, Isaac Deutscher, Werner Conze, Thomas Nipperdey, Norbert Elias, etc. (New York: Garland Publishing, 1998).
- ‘Eisenhower, Dulles and Adenauer: Alliance of Trust or Mistrust? (1953-1961),’ in: K. Larres and T. Oppelland (eds), Germany and the USA in the 20th Century: A Political History (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1997), pp.119-50 [written in German].
Articles published in 1996:
- ‘Germany and the West: The “Rapallo Factor” in German Foreign Policy from the 1950s to the 1990s,’ in: Klaus Larres and Panikos Panayi (eds), The Federal Republic of Germany since 1949: Politics, Society and Economy before and after Unification (London/New York: Longman, 1996), pp.278-326.
Download full text here:
- ‘Domestic Political Developments II: The Years 1969-1990’ [co-authored article with M. Siekmeier], in: Klaus Larres and Panikos Panayi (eds), The Federal Republic of Germany since 1949: Politics, Society and Economy before and after Unification (London/New York: Longman, 1996), pp.100-136.
- ‘The World of John Foster Dulles (1939-1953)’ [written in German], Historische Mitteilungen 9, No.2 (1996), pp.256-82
- ‘Integrating Europe or Ending the Cold War? Churchill’s post-war foreign policy,’ Journal of European Integration History 2, No.1 (1996), pp.15-49.
Articles published in 1995:
- ‘A Widow’s Revenge: Willy Brandt’s Ostpolitik, Neo-Conservatism and the German General Election of 1994’, German Politics 4, No.1 (1995), pp.42-63.
- ‘Eisenhower and the First Forty Days after Stalin’s Death: The Incompatibility of Détente and Political Warfare’, Diplomacy and Statecraft 6 (1995), pp.431-69.
Articles published in 1994:
- ‘Collapse of a State: Honecker, Krenz, Modrow, and the End of the German Democratic Republic’ (review article), European Review of History - Revue Européenne d’Histoire 1, No.1 (1994), pp.79-83.
- ‘Neutralisation or Integration with the West? Churchill, Adenauer, the USA and June 17, 1953’, Deutschland-Archiv 27, No.6 (June 1994), pp.568-85 [written in German].
- ‘Unification or Integration with the West? Britain and the Federal Republic of Germany in the early 1950s,‘ in: R.J. Aldrich and M.F. Hopkins (eds), Intelligence, Defence and Diplomacy: British Policy in the Post-war World (London: Frank Cass, 1994), pp.42-75.
- ‘Preserving Law and Order: Britain, the United States and the East German Uprising of 1953’, Twentieth Century British History 5, No.3 (1994), pp.320-50.
Articles published in 1993:
- ‘A Search for Order: Britain and the Origins of a Western European Union, 1944-1955,’ in: B.Brivati and H. Jones (eds), From Reconstruction to Integration: Britain and Europe since 1945 (Leicester: Leicester UP, 1993), pp.71-87.
- ‘Recycling Old Ideas’ (on the ’new world order’), History Today 43 (October 1993), pp.13-16.
Articles published in 1991:
- ‘Churchill, Adenauer and West German Rearmament,’ Geschichte in Köln, No.28 (1991), pp.121-44 [written in German].
- ‘Witness Seminar: British Attitudes to German Rearmament and Unification in the 1950s,’ Contemporary Record 5, No.2 (1991), pp.291-320.